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李忠奎2005年于国防科技大学获学士学位,2010年于北京大学获博士学位,现为北京大学工学院力学与工程科学系研究员、博士生导师。主要从事分布式协同控制与决策、无人集群系统等人工智能与自动控制交叉领域的研究工作。出版英文专著1部,发表期刊论文60多篇。目前担任IEEE Trans. Automatic Control(控制领域顶级期刊)、Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems(IFAC会刊之一)等SCI期刊的Associate Editor,以及《航空学报》、《控制与决策》、《空间控制技术与应用》等中文期刊的编委。

先后入选全国优博(2012),教育部青年长江学者(2017),北京市科技新星(2018),科睿唯安高被引科学家(2018),北京市杰青(2020),爱思唯尔中国高被引学者(2020)。曾获2015年国家自然科学二等奖(排名第三),第四届杨嘉墀科技奖二等奖,2013年IET Control Theory & Applications最佳论文奖,2009-2011系统科学最佳论文奖等奖励。

在教育教学方面,2021年获北京大学教学优秀奖、北京大学-京东方奖教金。指导的研究生3人获研究生国家奖学金,1人获评为工学院学术十杰。指导学生获张嗣赢优秀青年论文奖、IEEE ICCA Best Student Paper等提名奖。

近期学术成果 (了解更多)

Z.K. Li, Z.S. Duan, Cooperative Control of Multi-agent Systems: A Consensus Region Approach, Taylor & Francis / CRC Press, Boca Roton, FL, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-4665-6994-2

1. Y. Xiong, Z. Li*, Privacy-preserved average consensus algorithm with edge-based additive perturbations, Automatica, provisionally accepted for publication, 2021.
2. Z. Wu, Z. Li*, J. Yu, Designing zero-gradient-sum protocols for finite-time distributed optimization problem, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, accepted for publication, 2021.
3. Z. Wu, Z. Li*, Distributed robust optimization algorithms over uncertain network graphs, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, in press, 2021.
4. H. Chen, X. Wang, L. Shen, Z. Li*, Z. Liu, Y. Yu, Formation reconfiguration for fixed-wing UAVs: A coordinated path following approach, Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, vol. 102, no. 1, p. 27, 2021.
5. Z. Sun, A. Rantze, Z. Li*, A. Robertsson, Distributed adaptive stabilization, Automatica, vol. 129, p. 109616, 2021. (regular paper)
6. B. Cheng, Z. Li*, Distributed edge-based event-triggered formation control, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 1241-1251, 2021.
7. Z. Wu, Z. Li, Z. Ding, Z. Li*, Distributed continuous-time optimization with scalable event-triggered mechanisms, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 50, no. 9, pp. 3252-3257, 2020.
8. M. Liu, X. Wang, Z. Li*, Robust bipartite consensus and tracking control of high-order multi-agent systems with matching uncertainties and antagonistic interactions, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 50, no. 7, pp. 2541-2550, 2020.